Monday, September 30, 2013

Our Thoughts Are Stars

I have these best friends.
    Those lovely ladies in the picture above have been my best friends since birth. Since we live across the Interstate from each other, and we all like to write, we decided to start a 4-way blog to keep in touch.
    I think it's an awesome project. We used to write letters back and forth, but then our lives got too busy. We created our blog -called Our Thoughts Are Stars- as a more convenient way to talk to each other almost every day.
    So, if you have any interest in our lives (which, if you aren't one of our mothers, I assume you don't) feel free to check it out. I write every Monday (hey that's today!) but Grace, Mercy, and Rose's writing styles are pretty phenomenal. Here is the link to Our Thoughts Are Stars. I hope you enjoy it and aren't repulsed by our fangirl rants about the moral decadence of society.
    Well, this post is really short for once. I have been immensely busy with this life I love and the way everything is suddenly changing, like leaves on trees in October. Some days I hate everyone and everything and want to curl up in bed and avoid this world, which often seems to turn against me. Most days are good, though- I get better at dealing; I am becoming thicker-skinned I think. So I suppose I'm doing okay, all things considered. ANYWAY, I have to end this now before it stops being a short post (also, I have a life that must be lived).
--Laura :)

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