Thursday, January 31, 2013

In honor of January...

I decided to start this post off by saying that I had absolutely no idea how to start off this post. I've never been any good at introductions. I like to just dive into things and skip the monotony of a beginning because usually, when I get bored with something early on, I don't finish it. I love people I can just talk or text to without having to go through the motions of "hi" "hey" "how are you?" "I'm good, how are you?". I like being able to talk to someone and just pick up right where we left off. There need to be more people like that in the world, I think.
  Anyway, I wanted to dedicate this post to the month of January, because usually January kind of sucks, but it didn't for me this year. For as long as I can remember, this cold and bitter month of my birth has been snowy, boring, and a bit of a letdown (I don't care what people with December birthdays say. The chagrin of their birth month sort of carries on into the next). Yet surprisingly, January 2013 was pretty great. And it wasn't just because of things that happened to me -because believe me, some pretty bad stuff went on too- but also because of the ways I handled them, good and bad. I resolved at the end of last year that I would do my best to stop feeling sorry for myself and try to be less of a Debby Downer. I figured a new year was a prime opportunity for some change, a chance to start over (which is ironic, since I just went on about how I hate beginnings). And you know what? Despite some bad days, and a couple of tough goodbyes, I'd say this year has been off to a pretty great start. I turned seventeen and went on some whimsical adventures with friends of mine. I danced like a crazy lady and even got to check a couple of things off my bucket list. Overall, I've discovered that when you approach life with a positive attitude, and focus less on yourself and more on loving other people, it really alters your perspective. It changes you, which is big for a girl who doesn't do too well with change. I can honestly say that I'm not afraid of whatever else this year throws at me, and I hope that whatever I do brings glory to God.
  Well, I'm done for now. But I wanted to leave you with some words of wisdom:
1. Read Colossians 3:12-17. It's pretty great :)
2. Dance like nobody's watching
3. Listen to more Mumford and Sons. Here are some lyrics from their song "Winter Winds" that I just love:
 Until next time!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hello world.

“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.”
Stephen Chbosky,
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Hello people of earth, and welcome to my blog.
  I have wanted to start something like this for a very long time, but so many things kept getting in the way. Mostly, my own fears that no one would ever read this, and if they did they would hate it and hate me. But I have come to realize that none of that matters, and I shouldn't let what other people think run my life. So, if you are reading this, I hope you understand that this is my blog, therefore most of what I write about will be about me and my life.
  I've finally decided to start this because I really need to express my own thoughts. I have a lot of them, and if I keep them bottled up inside I'm sure I'll burst. I like to write, and I figure writing about what I know best -my own life- will help chase away the sadness that has been dogging me lately.
  So. Since this is my first post I guess I'll tell you about myself, who I am and what I like and don't like.
  Firstly, I love Jesus. I love Him and everything He has done, for me and for other people. I am an undeserving sinner, caught up in the indescribable grace of God, and for that I am eternally grateful.
  Secondly, I am a flawed human being. I say that a lot to remind myself that I can never be perfect, which is hard for me to accept because I am a huge perfectionist/people pleaser. There are so many things I want to do but haven't done yet out of fear that I'll screw them up. Also, I overthink everything, thus creating problems that don't exist. I get lonely really easily and I have a hard time seeing beyond my own so-called problems.
  I'd also like to say that I have a very sarcastic -and hilarious, if I do say so myself- sense of humor. I love adventure, and someday I am going to travel the world and see all the places I've fallen in love with through photographs. I drink too much coffee and I'm really bad at motivating myself to workout. I love music, especially songs with lyrics that really speak to my soul. Currently I listen to a lot of Mumford and Sons, Ed Sheeran, Tenth Avenue North, and lots of others that would take me far too long to list. I love my wonderful -although slightly insane- friends, who have stuck with me no matter what. I honestly don't know where I would be today without them.
  So this is me. I have many hopes and dreams, but for right now I'm stuck here, trying to figure out who I really am and what God's plan is for my life. Since this post is a bit long, I think I'll end it now. And if you've actually read this whole thing, I hope you stick around until next time.
Bye for now,